SC3-DAC PRO™ 2020
Configurable for either geophones or accelerometers.
Configurable for either contact Switch or Sensor Triggers.
Suitable for P-Wave and S-wave.
Option for a time delay in collecting data.
Maximized data sampling rate.
Option for Data Stacking.
Option to enter site information data.
Option to apply a bandpass filter to the stacked traces.
Option to save and display pre-trigger data.
Ability to display interval velocities.
Incorporation of an optimized correlator (when calculating initial interval velocities) to ensure an equivalent sampling rate of 100 KHz by utilizing linear interpolation between digitally sampled points.
Bandpass, high pass, low pass, and notch digital filters.
Automated full waveform SH-wave interval velocity estimates.
Display of peak particle accelerations, velocities, and displacements.
VSPs with trend line estimation.
3D Displays of VSP Profiles.
Automatic configuration of USB A/D to 8 Channel Single Ended.
Ability to apply noise suppression when utilizing a contact trigger.
Ability to apply notch filter on harmonics within the Cascadable Filters.
Enhanced display options when viewing seismic data.
Incorporation of the Linearity values and the Signal Shape Parameter in the Interval Velocity estimate Classification.
Ability to view the best fit normal distribution as an overlay onto the frequency spectrum of seismic time series.
Transition to 64 bit environment.
Incorporation of Expanded Seismic Trace Classification methodology.
Incorporation of Tee-Chart User Guide.
Ability to set minimum and maximum values for time.
- Ability to save the trigger channel to file.
- Incorporation of a flag to indicate data clipping.
- Ability to set the gain automatically.
- Optimized algorithms and editorial changes.
- Introduction of the Energy Output Assessment.
- Incorporation of Continuous Seismic Option (New).
- Expanded View Options (New).
- Editorial upgrade of all input screens (New)..